
Best Celebrity To Throw America's Nastiness Back in Their Faces - GO ELLEN!

Best Celebrity To Throw America's Nastiness Back in Their Faces - GO ELLEN! Ellen DeGeneres seems to be getting a bad rap over "being mean" or nasty. So what is the problem with America having a problem with that? Considering how Americans - in the last 4 years especially - have been basically acting mean, irrational, foolish, asinine, base, rude, obnoxious and on and on, how is it that they don't revel in her conduct as one of their own! America and even in most of the world has been acting like this. While I can attribute rightfully America's degeneration in behavior toward one another to that guy called the President in that house on 1600 Penn Street (sorry that information does not match records on file - take that IRS), I am inclined the rest of the world is just following in the footsteps of America just like they are doing concerning North Korea. If America jumps of the bridge.... They may catch wise. Hopefully not, ha ha.

It is rather hypocritical that people would rag on Ellen's nastiness considering how they are acting toward each other, especially on social (disease) media (I am surprised Covid-19 is not spreading via this disgustingly filthy cesspool. If I were Covid-19, I would find a way to use this sewage conveyance because I would be able to bring down millions in a day. I'd have this planet sown in a week!). I think American relish insulting others and earnestly look for new ways to do it. Even the government and the IRS seem to be wanting in on the action! Shutting down the economy and they telling people that it's their fault in so many words!

I think people are ragging on DeGeneres because she is basically throwing it back in their face! It seems that she amplifies and magnifies our own behavior toward each other in the many way we ill-treat each other and we hate it! This also reminds me of why America hates North Korea because they are standing up to our imperialist bullying. We may have gotten other countries to kiss our ass, but North Korea is having none of it and so we resort to weak arguments, falsehoods, half-truths and outright slander just like a bunch of bratty High School kids. South Korea seems to be the backstabber in a lot of cases. Fortunately, they have gotten their asses busted in their lies about their northern neighbors. Unfortunately, they don't seem to learn from the embarrassment.
Props to Mrs DeGeneres for being the much needed mirror America and much of this world is needing. If America and the world don't like it. Good! Stop acting off toward each other. Stop the goddammned taking sides and clean up your act.

Ellen DeGeneres,Celebrity,Bad Attitude,Bad Behavior,Nasty People,Politics,Polarization,Hold My Beer,Social Media,

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