* FTC Disclaimer: Some links above are affiliate links from which I get a small commission, which does not affect you as a customer at all, but helps me keep on making videos for you guys! All opinions are my own :)
let's be besties!
instagram - @carolinemanning
pinterest - carolinemanningg
vsco - caromanningg
spotify - carolinemanning
questions i frequently get asked!
how old are you? - 16!
where do you live? - austin, texas bby!
ethnicity? - wasian hehe (half viet half scottish/irish)
how tall are you? - short, v short haha! 5'1:)
business inquires only - carolinemanning@select.co
if you are from another country, click the link to translate it into your language!
music in this video
(in order of appearance )
Mornings In Paris - Caroline Manning -
sub count! - 1,000,000 subs