Masks should be worn anytime you are in public or people nearby. Masks act as a physical barrier to protect you from viral and bacterial particulates. it also protect others from being infected by you. Many people unknowingly infect others by going out and spreading germs by coughing or touching others.
So, It is increasingly recommended to wear face mask in public, which decreases the probability of getting infected from other people and vice versa.
There is a huge demand for mask in the market and the prices are unimaginable. In this tough pandemic situation we need to step forward and protect yourself. Something is always better than nothing. So lets make a no cost simple face mask at home and wear it whenever you step out.
All we need is,
1. Cloth - handkerchief, banadana cloth, any piece of cloth
2. Rubber bands, hair bands, or thread
3. Filter - facial tissue, wet tissue, baby wipes, kitchen towel...