
What is carbs and how do you know if its good or bad?

What is carbs and how do you know if its good or bad? As promised the "Good carb Bad carb" formula :

Glycemic index (GI) x Carbs per serving / 100

What is carbs and how do you know if its good or bad? Instead of me giving you a list of all the good and the bad carbs, im teaching you how to calculate this yourself. So you can apply this is your everyday life and make better decisions when it comes to your food and food choices. The goal is for you to understand what you are doing and why some foods are better than others.

Carbs affect the body in terms of raising the blood sugar levels and to counter act this your body produces insulin. Now this is all good until your blood sugar levels are back to normal and the insulin will then convert to storing fat. Which is not the goal at all. If your goal is to be in shape and loose weight, the rapid insulin spike should be avoided as much as you can. Do this and you are well on your way to a much healthier lifestyle. Not just that, but a lifestyle that will give you results.

Every single person has got it in them to be in shape, be the best version of yourself you possibly can. Thats what life is about.

Feel free to get in touch!

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