With very low inventory on the market as far as Phoenix homes for sale, buying a house makes it really difficult. With mortgage lending getting stricter buying a house also makes this so difficult as well.
Then you have the new, family and friends telling you that buying a house is the biggest mistake your going to make in your life in 2020. Well, buying a house is hard as a first time home buyer.
Buying a house is a hard period, but it is not impossible if you are thinking about buying a house in 2020. Just make sure you have a team of great players as far as your phoenix realtor, phoenix lender, and title company.
Once again I am Victor Huerta and thank you for checking out my video and don’t forget to hit subscribe and when you are ready, need help or have a question all my information is below.
I would love to hear your opinion below so leave me a comment.
Victor Huerta
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