
The future of the MRCS and FRCS - Trainees questions answered

The future of the MRCS and FRCS - Trainees questions answered As a result of COVID-19 and as all trainees know, examinations were suspended by all four Surgical Royal Colleges back in March. There is still uncertainty regarding the recommencement of all surgical examinations. This webinar will explore the prospects of hosting the MRCS & FRCS later in 2020 and also the possible changes to the delivery of the exams in future years. We are delighted to host the chair of JCIE and the incoming chair of ICBSE together with our trainee representatives to answer all trainee questions.

Our panel includes:

Professor S Michael Griffin OBE, RCSEd President
Mr John McGregor, Chair of Joint Committee on Intercollegiate Examinations (JCIE)
Mr John Hines, Chair-elect of The Intercollegiate Committee for Basic Surgical Examinations (ICBSE)
Mr Josh Burke, President of The Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT)
Mrs Tricia Campbell, President of The British Orthopaedic Trainees’ Association (BOTA)
Mr David Riding, RCSEd Trainees’ Committee Chair and Trainee Member of RCSEd Council
Mrs Elizabeth McKinney-Bennett, RCSEd Head of Examinations


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