
The superiority of Christ's federal headship (27-Oct-2019 Ptr Jeremiah)

The superiority of Christ's federal headship (27-Oct-2019 Ptr Jeremiah) Morning Message
Date: October 27 2019
Text: Romans 5:12-15
Title: The Superiority of Christ's Federal headship
Youtube: The superiority of Christ's federal headship (27-Oct-2019 Ptr Jeremiah)

1. The appointed way of salvation
- by grace alone, not by personal merit, grace is fit.for the undeserving

2. The superiority of grace
- If sin was powerful, but Jesus is mightier to save! When our previous sins haunt us and the devil taunts us.
But read John 10:10.
What Jesus did was not just antidote but much more than that.
See "grace upon grace"

3. The greater results of God's grace
- in time, for eternity
- in effectiveness, 2 Tim.1-10
Death can never triumph those who are in Christ though at times our growth gets impeded. But read Phil.2:12-13
John 6:37 John 10:28

Romans 4:21 What God has promised.


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