Every video, every photograph has a story behind them. It is the story teller's job to explain the story in a concise and meaningful manner.
This photo slide show has a story too. These so called perp people show up to do nothing and go nowhere. They loiter for far longer than necessary to pretend to be doing things that non proxy stalking, organized harassment, normal people do.
Look closely at the vehicle occupants who show up just to loiter. That is what gives them away and blow their own cover. As one of my associates said, these dummies never really had any cover to begin with. They show up anywhere and are just asking to be made Internet famous. That is fine by me and my associates.
The couple in the tan car are the most interesting to watch in this video. They not only show up to loiter around and go nowhere, do nothing, they make a big show of themselves cleaning their car and then parade around the parking lot while doing it. The couple basically drove to some parking lot away from their home to loiter around to clean their own car and then left after around 45 minutes of loitering and cleaning. They can't clean their own car in their own parking space at home?
We all know they were not there to clean their vehicles and pretend to doing what they were pretending to be doing. They were just so idiotically inept that they made a big show of themselves for all of you to see.
From other equipment positioned elsewhere, I saw the bald guy from the tan car, looking upwards and around as if he was expecting to be watched from somewhere. How would a normal person who is not a proxy, gangstalker, organized harassment perpetrator know they are being record in anyplace?