
Development of Information System for Aggregation and Ranking of News Taking into Account User Needs

Development of Information System for Aggregation and Ranking of News Taking into Account User Needs Vasyl Andrunyk (1), Liliya Chyrun (1), Andrii Vasevych (1), Nadija Chernovol (1), Nataliya Antonyuk (2), Aleksandr Gozhyj (3), Victor Gozhyj (3), Irina Kalinina (3) and Maksym Korobchynskyi (4)

1 - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
2 - Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine
2 - University of Opole, Opole, Poland
3 - Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Nikolaev, Ukraine
4 - Military-Diplomatic Academy named after Eugene Bereznyak, Kyiv, Ukraine

The purpose of the work is to develop an intelligent information system
that is designed for aggregation and ranking of news taking into account the needs of the user. During the work, the following tasks are set:
1) Analyze the online market for mass media and the needs of readers; the purpose of their searches and moments is not enough to find the news.
2) To construct a conceptual model of the information aggression system and ranking of news that would enable presentation of the work of the future intellectual information system, to show its structure.
3) To select the methods and means for implementation of the intellectual information system.
4) Design an online resource for aggregation and ranking of news, news feeds and flexible settings, a list of available sources of information, compliance with specified media and personal aggregation results.
Object of research is processes of aggregation of news and intelligent ranking of necessary news according to the needs of the user.
Subject of research is methods and means of aggregation and ranking of news and building an information system that implements them.
Practical value of work is to develop an intellectual information system for aggregation and ranking news according to the needs of the user.
There are many similar open and paid systems. Realized specifically for the
public or for one or another media. Many of those information systems do not have a wide-ranging functionality for flexible news feed set-ups, which is
mostly often demanded by regular users. This system will have a functional
enough to solve this problem and offer a multifunctional service to users. The system will be implemented as a free software product under an open distribution license, and this approach will ensure its further development.

News,News Aggregation,Content Ranking,User Needs,Intelligent System,Content Analysis,Data Mining,Context Filtering,Bayesian Clustering,Bayesian Networks,

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