All scripture references quoted and read from the Authorized King James Bible (AKJB):
1) Phile 1:10 starts at 0:00
2) 1 Cor 4:15 starts at 0:10
3) Phile 1:11 starts at 0:31
4) Phile 1:17 starts at 1:03
5) Phile 1:18 starts at 1:08
6) Phile 1:19 starts at 1:30
7) 1 Tim 2:6 starts at 1:53
8) Rom 6:23 starts at 2:18
9) 1 Cor 15:3 starts at 2:27
10) 1 Cor 15:4 starts at 2:30
11) Rom 4:25 starts at 2:34
12) Rom 5:7 starts at 2:54
13) Rom 5:8 starts at 2:57
14) Rom 6:17 starts at 3:30
15) Rom 6:18 starts at 3:42
16) Rom 6:14 starts at 4:30
17) 2 Cor 13:5 starts at 4:48
19) 2 Cor 6:2 starts at 5:23
20) Eph 1:13 starts at 5:27
21) Eph 4:30 starts at 5:30
22) Prov 27:17 starts at 5:45
23) Rom 1:16 starts at 5:52
24) 1 Tim 2:4 starts at 5:54
25) Rom 1:7 starts at 6:09
Believe the Gospel: 1 Cor 15:1-4 KJB
Trust in Christ: Eph 1:13 KJB
Study the scriptures God's way: 2 Tim 2:15 KJB
Don't have a church or Bible Study group? Join us on Thursdays at 6:30pm CST or Sundays at 10:30 CST on Alex's personal Facebook page for the live-stream.
All messages or edited and uploaded later to his YouTube channel with scripture references.
Sound Words Bible Church (SWBC) gathers on Sundays at MPact Sports in their Ninja Java Cafe located in Franklin, TN (30-mins South of Nashville.) Below are the directions to our church:
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