
Regardless of the Virus, Hong Kong protests against China’s proposed National Security Law!

Regardless of the Virus, Hong Kong protests against China’s proposed National Security Law! I focus on what’s troubling the world in our time right now. I pick a subject and report on it. I also post educational videos to help humanity with what’s facing our unknown world as we live it!

I started following the Virus when it broke out in Wuhan, China. I started seriously reporting on it around February 2020 using "Social Networks". Hoping that as many people as possible will have an awakening that something is wrong! And with the Media and Government not showing or sharing 100% of what is really going on, I thought by showing real Videos it will shed some truth.

I decided to put over 8 hours a day on the Virus research everyday. it has taking a lot of my energy and time, but in the process makes me feel good that I am part of the awakening process to help our Humanity today. I have also dedicated time for other "World Troubling" subjects and educational videos that I have already started on my Social Channels. but I would have to say my main focus is the Virus right now, as it should be for all of us.

I truly thank all my YouTube Subscribers and Face book followers. but YouTube and other social media has minimized generating ads for the Virus subject and other similar subjects. to generate income for this research , maintain my research and do this full time so I can keep bringing you these Videos. I do ask for some minimum support but not necessary!

Most of my subscribers comments with "Your channel is under-rated". So if you can help with a minimum donation please do so. I'll keep researching and editing these Videos every day coming to you from my Office in USA!

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