
Steer Clear of Kali's Parents || Bhakti Charu Swami

Steer Clear of Kali's  Parents || Bhakti Charu Swami #BhaktiCharuSwami

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Transcription:- HG Chitralekha Gopi Mataji

Transcript:- We should remember this is the age of Kali and you know what Kali stands for?

Kali stands for quarrel! What is the Sanskrit word for quarrel ? Kalaha – do you see the link ? Kalaha and Kali. Ok let’s go back a little more, do you know who are Kali’s father and mother?

Kali’s father and mother are anger and envy. Wherever there are anger and envy the fire is ignited, of quarrel.

If a devotee is in envy , the sanskrit word is matsarya. Do you remember the very beginning of Srimad Bhagavatam the qualification of a devotee has been described, paramo nirmatsarāṇāṁ satāṁ. A devotee’s identity is nirmatsarāṇāṁ- non envious, he has no envy.

Envy is opposite to love. When you love somebody then we want to accept him and embrace him but when we develop envy we cannot tolerate him. Just consider what happens when we are envious, we cannot tolerate that somebody is being recognised, somebody is being glorified, and somebody is rewarded. Isn’t that a cause of envy? Oh ! why him ? why not me? that is the root cause of envy. Why him, why he is being glorified? I am such a great personality, is the world so blind that they cannot see my greatness? We cannot tolerate other’s prosperity.

Now consider when you love somebody and if that person is being glorified, recognised and rewarded, how do you feel? Or my son became a topper in the school and he got the best prize, he got this and he got that. Do you become envious or does the father become envious of the son? Why not? Because he loves him! Rather he enjoys, he appreciates, and he is elated when his dear one is being glorified.

Similarly, when you develop that loving attitude and when we see that other devotees are being glorified then we are delighted , when they have achieved something wonderful, we become ecstatic !


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