
Most to Least Probable Events Compared

Most to Least Probable Events Compared Have you ever wondered what's the chance of meeting someone who doesn't have social media? Or what are the odds of you becoming a billionaire? Or an astronaut? Well, in fact, the probability that all these things will happen isn't as low as you might think. I mean, you know, relatively. For example, the chances of a person being born are way lower!

#probabilitytheory #comparison #brightside

Having déjà vu 0:52
Being accepted to Harvard 1:11
Looking at a clock at 11:11 within a day 1:29
Becoming a millionaire 1:33
Seeing a white lion 2:01
Being born with an extra finger or toe 2:31
Being a genius (IQ 150+) 2:48
Meeting someone who has a fear of books 3:23
Finding a pearl in an oyster 3:37
Seeing a white giraffe 3:57
Becoming a billionaire 4:19
Becoming a movie star 4:48
Getting a Diamond Play button on YouTube 5:23
All the planets lining up in a row on their orbits 5:48
You being born 5:56

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Music by Epidemic Sound

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